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Shana Martin
Shana is originally from Findlay, Ohio, and currently resides in Largo in Central Florida. She proclaims that in life she “always has the BEST seat in the house!” Being diagnosed with spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy from birth has not stopped her from living life to the fullest. Her poetry has been published in 6 different collections. She loves Renaissance Festivals and any film that has copious amounts of sword fighting. She’s also addicted to yarn and chocolate!

Dear Uncle Alice: A Fan Letter!

What songs or artists have you listened to that help you through rough times? Replayer Shana writes a fan letter to Alice Cooper.
by Shana Martin | August 6, 2021 | ,

I’m Not a Gamer, but I AM a Replayer!

You don’t have to be a gamer to enjoy Retro Replay. Shana Martin shares her story of being a dedicated Replayer who isn't a gamer, and how she's had to navigate that when socializing with other Replayers.
by Shana Martin | March 14, 2021 | ,

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Star Wars meets The Goonies: Why Skeleton Crew Might Just Win Over Both Kids and Adults

Fresh off the divisional rift caused by The Acolyte, the next Star Wars adventure takes flight in December of 2024 with the title Skeleton Crew. Many see it as “Goonies in Space” or “Far, Far Away Stranger Things”, but what can we really expect?
by Tim BeisiegelSeptember 11, 2024
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