Dandadan dandadan dan da dan DAN DA DAN!
Animated by Science Saru Studio, Dandadan is the story of Momo and Okarun, two teens with supernatural gifts and a passion for the occult. Thrown together by a chance meeting at school, these two work together to learn more about ghosts, aliens and more as they try to cure Okarun of a curse. The weirdness and kookiness in the way it tells its story is what gives this anime its hook.
Dandadan dandadan dan da dan DAN DA DAN!
Sorry. The theme song of this anime (“Otonoke” by Creepy Nuts) has been stuck in my head since I started watching this show, and it won’t be dislodged by anything else. Honestly, it’s all Dandadan, all of the time. I can’t stop thinking about it (the theme tune or the actual show). And that’s surprising to me because this is the first anime I’ve actually really vibed with. More than that, I freaking love it.
A lot.
Miss Momo Ayase (Shion Wakayama) is just a regular kid going through fits of depression after a bad breakup when she decides to lash out at classmates making fun of a dweeby kid, protecting him from bullies. In doing so, nerdy Ken Takakura (Natsuki Hanae), who we will refer to as his nickname Okarun for the remainder of this review, tries to make his first friend in Momo by sharing his interest in the occult and UFOs. Momo believes in ghosts, and Okarun believes in aliens, and they both think the other is silly for their beliefs.
So, the scene is set. Momo is sent to a UFO hotspot, and Okarun heads to a place where ghosts are rumored to reside. One abduction and a curse from Turbo Granny later, they each now have powers. Okarun inherits the powers of Turbo Granny, and after an intense extraterrestrial encounter, Momo awakens her dormant psychokinetic powers. Needless to say, they now both believe in the occult and extraterrestrials.
Unfortunately, the Turbo Granny curse not only gives Okarun super-cool powers (speed mixed with chill-guy attitude) but also takes away his wiener. And nuts. The overarching premise of this season is these two high-schoolers going on adventures to try and retrieve a cock and balls.
Simple goal, but man, do they do a lot with it.
What drew me into Dandadan was its weird energy. It has this chaotic tone which is captivating. The only thing I can compare it to is Chicken Nugget (which you can read my review for here), and I’m totally here for anything with that vibe. I do not want to spoil any of the later episodes, but the enemies Momo and Okarun battle get stranger and stranger. And they have personality. Even if that enemy is “evil,” their character shines through.
That chaotic vibe also bleeds into its animation. It’s beautifully animated with a specific style. But occasionally, when trying to convey a strong emotion like rage or uncontrollable hilarity, it will slip into a more simple and cartoony design. It does a fantastic job of highlighting these moments, like when Seiko (Nana Mizuki), Momo’s hot granny that nobody knows their actual age, embarrasses her granddaughter and Momo snaps back. Momo’s visage contorts into a face of anger, and this is depicted by the removal of all detail except for her expressive features. It’s awesome.
None of this would really matter, though, without a compelling story. Yeah, I know, I know. It’s about a kid trying to retrieve his family jewels, so to speak. However, it’s not really. That’s the superficial story. It’s a teenage love story. Momo and Okarun, even at this early stage, are meant for each other, though neither will admit that fact. The narrative and the supernatural battles within represent their obstacles, common interests, and hold opportunities to get to know each other better.
I haven’t even talked about the supplementary characters, all of which have their own great moments! Aira, for example, is the girl who believes she’s chosen to slay demons because she’s just too pretty. SUPER CUTE! And Seiko, possibly the worlds sexiest grandma, who is a spirit medium but has absolutely had enough of Momo’s sh*t. The cast is joyous.
And the fight scenes! *chef’s kiss* They are choreographed to perfection, not only for action but for comedy, too. Okarun’s possessed state is the polar opposite of his normal, nerdy, jittery self. He’s more depressed, self-loathing, but freaking cool and confident in his skin. It’s so funny to see a fight where a dude is like, “What’s the point? I’m only going to fail,” and then he kicks the crap out of everyone. Momo and Okarun’s bickering throughout only adds to the comedic effect.
One of the most off-putting things in Dandadan is, weirdly, something that is integral to the plot. Okarun has his penis and balls stolen by Turbo Granny, and he has to get them back. Conversely, the aliens are obsessed with Momo, a human with FEMALE physiology, and, later her psychic abilities. The problem is that this is all a bit rape-y. I mean, it successfully makes these things feel threatening and evil, so you’re instantly hoping for Momo and Okarun to succeed and escape. But it’s still a bit rape-y.
Worse still is that these are basically kids. Momo and Okarun are still in school, which puts them in the 15-17 year-old age range. That’s what makes this a little uncomfortable in places. If it was just the storyline, then that would be one thing, but in the first episode, Momo is stripped down to her underwear and restrained. It was a little… problematic.
If any of that is triggering, then Dandadan may not be for you.
The only other thing that I was disappointed with was the ending of the series. Yeah, there’s a cliffhanger but I’m fine with those. I’m used to cliffhangers at the end of seasons of television. However, this one was different. It didn’t feel like a fitting ending to the season. Nothing was resolved; there weren’t any big OMG moments, and I was left with the dreaded “Was that it?” question. It may have befitted a penultimate episode, but definitely not a season finale.
I suppose I’ll have to await the already confirmed next season in light annoyance.
Dandadan is a Science Saru Studio adaptation of a manga that was released on Crunchyroll and Netflix ONCE A WEEK this October until December. I don’t often do this weekly TV thing, but my word, did this show have me hooked. I was eagerly awaiting each Thursday to see what was going to happen to Momo and Okarun. What strange occurrence would bring them together or tear them apart?
Sure, there are a couple of aspects that aren’t ideal tonally, but that doesn’t spoil the series. This show has great characters and a simple, understandable story with fits of chaotic energy that makes it undeniably watchable. Add to that the beautiful animation style and an opening credits sequence that will be in your head for months, and you’ve got an all-timer on your hands.
Maybe I’m not qualified to give that statement. However, Dandadan is the gateway anime that made me give more anime a chance, and if it can do that for me, then I can’t say much more. It’s one of my favorite shows of the year, and I’m so annoyed I’m gonna have to wait to find out what happens next.
Bring on Season 2!