It’s Wrestlemania 40! It’s a week where superstars become superheroes. It’s not the first time for some of the guys performing this weekend. Here are three good and three bad acting performances by wrestlers in Superhero TV and movies.
Ben loves Paladins in media, and especially video games, but which are the best? He shares his list of who he thinks are the best smiters to ever smite!
With the 2024 Spring Anime Season nearly here, Crunchyroll is rolling out some last-minute surprises! Join Thomas Richards as he fills you in on the latest news from Crunchyroll.
Scooby Doo has been a major figure in popular culture since the 1960s, but does it get enough credit? This author’s whole life has been influenced by the habitually spooked Great Dane.
Disney wants to break into the gaming market, and they have the answer right in front of their face! Join Thomas Richards as he explains why Disney needs to bring back Spectrobes.
Late Night with the Devil, the new indie horror flick on the block is causing a storm. Does it deserve the praise it’s been getting from critics? And how about that pesky AI controversy? Join Iain as he breaks it all down in this review!
Excitement for the release of the Star Wars Battlefront Collection from Aspyr has wilted since its release due to various issues surrounding the game. What are the issues? How have they affected those who have bought the game? Is there a fix moving forward? Let’s get into it.
Did you have an imaginary friend? Well, I do hope it was a better companion than Chauncey, the new “friend” of Alice from the new film from Blumhouse, Imaginary. We review the film, which will never let you look at a stuffed animal the same way again!
Whale Peak Games’ Go Mecha Ball is a roguelike game with tight mechanics and a satisfying gameplay loop. Read our review to find out if this title is for you!