I get straight to the point, no fluff. I don't shy away from voicing my opinions, popular or not. I might stir the pot a bit with my words, but that's how conversations get started, right? My goal in life is to find a Topsun Charizard Blue Back while dumpster diving.
f you're part of the cosmic choir whining about 'Rebel Moon,' I've got a newsflash that'll send shockwaves through your galaxy: your opinion is a black hole of relevance. Zack Snyder's 'Rebel Moon' isn't just a spectacle for your eyeballs; it's a feast for the soul, and it's high time we acknowledge the banquet laid before us.
Pokémon Day 2025 has come and gone, which means all manner of Pokémon updates from the latest Pokémon Presents, but was it worth waiting a year? Tom fills you in on all the big Pokémon news.