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X-Men 97 Roars Back: Why Fans Can’t Get Enough Sugah!

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Tim Beisiegel
| April 7, 2024
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X-Men Animated Series fans have been waiting for the original series to return since it went off the air in 1997. And to be honest, many of us had given up hope that it would ever have a chance to make a comeback. It had been so long with nothing happening that I stopped thinking it was possible for it to return. It is safe to think I am not the only one with similar feelings about it. 

So when the announcement came that Disney was going to release X-Men 97, a continuation of the beloved animated series, not a reboot, fans were both excited and nervous. Would it hit the same as the original? Who would the cast be? Were the original show runners and producers involved in this version?

Fortunately, fans’ excitement grew as more news began to be released. From leaked videos with the intro song, still frames, and trailers of the show, fans saw that this had a chance. So, let’s talk about why X-Men 97 is so good and deserves your views. 

The Cast

Much of the original cast has returned to their original roles. I had the pleasure of talking with Cal Dodd (Wolverine), Lenore Zann (Rogue), and George Buza (Beast) on my podcast before the X-Men 97 series was released. They each talked about the importance that X-Men The Animated Series (TAS) has had on their lives, professionally and personally, and their excitement about reprising those roles for X-Men 97

Cal Dodd, Voice of Wolverine

Many more of the original voice actors have come back, with only a few not being involved in this version of the show in their original roles or at all. Perhaps most notable is that Catherine Disher (Jean Grey X-Men TAS) has been replaced with Jennifer Hale for X-Men 97. With that being said, Catherine Disher has a role in this new series, just not as Jean Grey. She now portrays Val Cooper

To be honest, for me, it just wouldn’t have felt the same if they had replaced most of the cast. No one says Bub like Cal Dodds’ Wolverine says Bub. 

The Animation Style

Visually, X-Men 97 looks and feels like X-Men TAS. Characters, buildings, cars, planes, etc … all look very akin to what we saw in the show’s original run. It’s the same awesomely familiar yellow and blue X-Men suits. 

The only variance to this that I have really noticed is Magneto. They have replaced his helmet with long flowing locks of hair and a big M on his chest instead of his helmet. Why is the helmet gone? Watch the first two episodes, and you’ll find out. That’s a spoiler I don’t want to share here, just in case you forgot how TAS ended or you just haven’t watched either series yet. Either way, it’s a cool and logical reason. Even the change to his M suit makes sense and follows a comic book storyline. You can find out more about that here –

Magneto’s M Costume

In all honesty, if you were to sit down and watch the original X-Men TAS run and follow it right into X-Men 97, the animation style would be so close that it wouldn’t be a giveaway that this is a sequel series and not part of the original TAS run. 

The Writing 

On top of the animation, the writing thus far feels like there wasn’t a skip in the years between 1997 and 2024. It feels like the first episode of X-Men 97 was the next one in the storyline for X-Men TAS. Characters talk and act the same. Wolverine still says bub. Rogue still says Sugah. Cyclops and Wolverine still aren’t besties. There are some subtle tonal shifts in a couple of characters due to new storylines being introduced, but none of these draw attention away from the character or feel out of place. The writing makes sense. It fits. 

Outside of Wolverine, who happens to be my favorite of the X-Men, I was worried that Morph wouldn’t be the Morph that we became used to throughout the TAS run. Early on, my fears were put to rest. Morph still has a great sense of humor, and there is a great adult sex joke in the early episodes between Gambit and Morph. That’s all I will say … but you will know it when you see it. 

Kudos to the writers for making this show sound and feel like TAS. This could have been an entirely different show, but I feel like they read the room and understood not only what the audience wanted and expected but also took this opportunity to finish what they started. 

Hero’s that struggle…just like us.

And a quick side note for the kids in the back complaining that this series is “too woke” … clearly you either never watched X-Men TAS or read the X-Men comics, and if you say you did, then either you weren’t paying attention or you’re just lying. This comic franchise has always been inclusive. ALWAYS … welcome to the party. 

Morph, a non-binary character

Sometimes, we have to remember that not ALL characters are written for us individually. Sometimes, a character is written to help someone feel seen, feel represented, and feel heard. Perhaps that’s not something you have had to struggle with in your life, but for those who have had to struggle to feel seen and heard, let them have this W. They need it more than you do. 

One of the joys of being a podcaster and hearing people’s life stories is that I hear why these things are important. You hear why inclusion matters, why representation matters. 

In those moments, I am glad there are shows like X-Men. As a comic book and animated television show, X-Men allows for inclusive stories that represent different ethnic and cultural experiences, gender and sexual orientations, and varying degrees of ableness. Everyone is included. The only real dividing line is good vs. evil. Good always tries to win over evil, helping evil change its views and perspectives. 

Maybe you should be watching X-Men 97 for the fun and nostalgia of X-Men TAS. But Maybe, just maybe, you should be watching X-Men 97 to see if your views and perspectives on life could use some adjustment. 

I know, it’s weird when animation makes us think …. If you want to talk with me more about this, leave a comment below in this article, and let’s chat. More detailed conversation can be found in our Inner Circle, though … membership has its privileges. Join up and be rewarded!

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About the Author

  • Tim Beisiegel

    Hello There! (said in my best Obi-Wan Kenobi voice) I’m a lifelong Star Wars fan and lover of pop culture. Always taking the high ground I'm a happily married father of 3 nerds. My mini me’s.

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