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Do you think you have what it takes to beat your fellow Couch Soup members at the mind-numbing, but highly addictive toilet games? Well, you’ve come to the right place! We select a new game each month and compete for prizes from the Couch Soup studio. To compete in the the Toilet Game wars you only need to be a Soup Spud member or higher. (That’s only the $5 a month membership!)
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Risky Train Crossing

Risky Train Crossing

Trains. They move fast. You have to move faster or you're dead. Duh! Oh, did I mention there was water too? Gotta cross that as well. Good luck!
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Dino Egg Defense

Dino Egg Defense

The Dino Egg shoot is the perfect toilet game. What better way to pass time as you pass gas on the throne. This one’s a classic.
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Commando Boat

Commando Boat

Race your boat down the river while you avoid obstacles, collect coins and blow shit up. What better game to play while you're on the toilet.
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Spidey Swing

Spidey Swing

Remember when Nolan rage-quit the Spiderman game on Retro Replay? Well, now here's your chance . This annoying toilet game makes you keep Spidey in the air as he tries to swing from building to building. "Oh my god! There's something at the window!"
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Rally Champion

Rally Champion

No license required. (Did that ever stop you?) Let your fingers do the driving as you maneuver through a dozen other cars to cross the finish line first. Gas id free!
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Candy Blast

Candy Blast

Does this game need an introduction? Don't try and tell me you haven't played this game before. I know you sat on the toilet playing this while pretending you were constipated. (Don't ask how I know this.)
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Stupid Zombies

Stupid Zombies

Who doesn't like killing Zombies? It's an American pastime. This one is a little trick, though, The more Zombies you kill with a single bullet, the better it is for you and your score.
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Giant Hamster Run

Giant Hamster Run

Another classic! IF you consider forcing a giant hamster to run through the streets, not getting hit by anything. We've all played versions of this game on our phones. Now you can play for prizes.
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