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Oh Crap! Is the Uncharted Movie Any Good? | TRP: Ep 115

DATE: 02/23/22
By Dan Morris + Pagan McGrath and Dan Morris + Pagan McGrath

We saw the uncharted movie in theaters and we have a lot of thoughts about it. If you want to hear our spoiler-free thoughts, listen to the first 9 minutes of the podcast after that, kindly screw off for the spoiler-filled discussion. It is really difficult to contain all of our thoughts and feelings in a single episode of the podcast. We also throw in some hot takes about the upcoming Last of Us HBO show.

Dan’s take :

This is tough. I did not expect much from the Uncharted movie, but I can say it wasn’t a complete disappointment. However, as a big fan of the game series, there is a lot to discuss and break down. I want to save most of the main points to be heard in the podcast. You should watch the movie it is fun in its own right, but be prepared to leave your knowledge of the games and the characters at the door of the theater.

Pagan’s take : 

I’ll try to keep this spoiler-free just in case. I enjoyed the movie but was it amazing? No. was it a great contender for the best video game to movie ever? Probably. Although it isn’t centered around a plotline from the games, the makers of this film were clearly big fans of Uncharted 4 and were heavily inspired by it. There are definitely places where I felt it lost me a bit, or where I was disappointed in a character or piece of writing or storyline, but hey, no one is perfect. Except maybe Tom Holland. 

If you loved the games, you’ll definitely like the nods to UC4 and more in this film!  Would love to know what you all think once you’ve watched the movie! Enjoy!

Podcast Moments

Pagan’s Brain Fart
Thirst Trap
Claudia Black’s Pedestal

Did you see the Uncharted Movie? What did you think, agree or disagree with our POVS?


Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

HOST: Dan Morris + Pagan McGrath
FEATURING: Lily K + Erika Aundawyn
PRODUCER:  Dan Morris + Pagan McGrath

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