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Stream Screams: The Ritual (2017) – A Netflix Gem That’ll Haunt Your Dreams

Looking for something scary to stream? We got you! This is a new series called Stream Screams and first up is the uniquely terrifying British horror film, The Ritual.
by Nick McKaySeptember 11, 2023

Ahsoka Episode 4 – It’s Duel-o-Mania

Who’s ready for Duel-o-Mania, the Star Wars wrestling PPV? No? Ok, here’s the Ahsoka Episode 4: Fallen Jedi recap. Can Ahsoka and Sabine beat the clock to stop the bad guys from reaching Thrawn? Find out here!
by Iain McParlandSeptember 10, 2023

I’ve Never Watched One Piece. Let’s Watch the Netflix Live Action Version. Ep 1 REVIEW

Ever wondered what a live-action adaption looks like to a newcomer? Ben watched the first episode of One Piece 2023 and shares his thoughts.
by Ben HazellSeptember 9, 2023

Godzilla Minus One is a Remake of the Original 1954 Classic!

The latest trailer for the upcoming Toho Films Godzilla Minus One dropped with some awesome Kaiju action and a release date, but is this new film a remake of the original classic?
by Dan MorrisSeptember 5, 2023

It’s Not Too Late to Start Attack on Titan

Attack on Titan is coming to an end, and there’s never been a better time to jump on the hype train. Join Thomas Richards as he explains why now is the best time to get into this fantastic series.
by Thomas RichardsSeptember 4, 2023

Ahsoka Episode 3 – Nobody Expects the Shin-ish Inquisition

Ahsoka and Sabine are reunited and the training begins! But what trouble can they get into this week? And will politicians ever make good decisions in the Star Wars universe? Not likely. Check out Iain’s recap of Ahsoka Episode 3.
by Iain McParlandSeptember 1, 2023

Jury Duty and The Man Who Turned a Mockery Into a Moral Triumph

Meet Ronald Gladden, the star of the hit show Jury Duty. Iain will tell you why he recommends the new(ish) reality hoax sitcom from Amazon Freevee.
by Iain McParlandAugust 27, 2023

Ahsoka Episodes 1 & 2 – Rebels & Witches & Lothcats, Oh My!

Ahsoka opening two episodes released on Disney+. Here’s Iain’s recap of Episode 1: Master and Apprentice, and Episode 2: Toil and Trouble. Don’t judge him; he’s very excited.
by Iain McParlandAugust 26, 2023

Why Do People Speak In Movie Quotes?

Movie quotes. We all have our favorites. But why do some people speak in movie quotes, and what does that say about them? Join Brandy as she shares some of her favorite movie quotes of all time and dives into the WHY!
by Brandy BrownAugust 24, 2023

The Road to Ahsoka – Who is Grand Admiral Thrawn?

We have so many Star Wars villains, but none of them compares to Grand Admiral Thrawn. Who is this blue guy with piercing red eyes, you may ask? Lily, (his biggest fan) has the answer for you.
by Art of Lily KAugust 23, 2023
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Stream Screams: The Ritual (2017) – A Netflix Gem That’ll Haunt Your Dreams

Looking for something scary to stream? We got you! This is a new series called Stream Screams and first up is the uniquely terrifying British horror film, The Ritual.
by Nick McKaySeptember 11, 2023

Ahsoka Episode 4 – It’s Duel-o-Mania

Who’s ready for Duel-o-Mania, the Star Wars wrestling PPV? No? Ok, here’s the Ahsoka Episode 4: Fallen Jedi recap. Can Ahsoka and Sabine beat the clock to stop the bad guys from reaching Thrawn? Find out here!
by Iain McParlandSeptember 10, 2023

I’ve Never Watched One Piece. Let’s Watch the Netflix Live Action Version. Ep 1 REVIEW

Ever wondered what a live-action adaption looks like to a newcomer? Ben watched the first episode of One Piece 2023 and shares his thoughts.
by Ben HazellSeptember 9, 2023

Godzilla Minus One is a Remake of the Original 1954 Classic!

The latest trailer for the upcoming Toho Films Godzilla Minus One dropped with some awesome Kaiju action and a release date, but is this new film a remake of the original classic?
by Dan MorrisSeptember 5, 2023

It’s Not Too Late to Start Attack on Titan

Attack on Titan is coming to an end, and there’s never been a better time to jump on the hype train. Join Thomas Richards as he explains why now is the best time to get into this fantastic series.
by Thomas RichardsSeptember 4, 2023

Ahsoka Episode 3 – Nobody Expects the Shin-ish Inquisition

Ahsoka and Sabine are reunited and the training begins! But what trouble can they get into this week? And will politicians ever make good decisions in the Star Wars universe? Not likely. Check out Iain’s recap of Ahsoka Episode 3.
by Iain McParlandSeptember 1, 2023

Jury Duty and The Man Who Turned a Mockery Into a Moral Triumph

Meet Ronald Gladden, the star of the hit show Jury Duty. Iain will tell you why he recommends the new(ish) reality hoax sitcom from Amazon Freevee.
by Iain McParlandAugust 27, 2023

Ahsoka Episodes 1 & 2 – Rebels & Witches & Lothcats, Oh My!

Ahsoka opening two episodes released on Disney+. Here’s Iain’s recap of Episode 1: Master and Apprentice, and Episode 2: Toil and Trouble. Don’t judge him; he’s very excited.
by Iain McParlandAugust 26, 2023

Why Do People Speak In Movie Quotes?

Movie quotes. We all have our favorites. But why do some people speak in movie quotes, and what does that say about them? Join Brandy as she shares some of her favorite movie quotes of all time and dives into the WHY!
by Brandy BrownAugust 24, 2023

The Road to Ahsoka – Who is Grand Admiral Thrawn?

We have so many Star Wars villains, but none of them compares to Grand Admiral Thrawn. Who is this blue guy with piercing red eyes, you may ask? Lily, (his biggest fan) has the answer for you.
by Art of Lily KAugust 23, 2023
1 25 26 27 28 29 49

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