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MaXXXine is the Perfect Finale to Ti West’s Horror Trilogy

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Iain McParland
| July 15, 2024
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No, this isn’t the sequel to Vin Diesel’s film, xXx, where Xander Cage’s long-lost sister Maxine takes over the FAMILY business (although that would also be dope). 

MaXXXine is the third film and finale of Ti West’s Mia Goth-centric horror trilogy, following on from 2022’s X and 2023’s Pearl. Maxine Miller, now going by Maxine Minx, is finally getting her break in Hollywood! But will her sketchy porn star / wanted-for-serial-murders-perpetrated-in-quaint-farm country past catch up with her?

Yes, it will. Otherwise, it might have been a boring movie. 

And MaXXXine is far from boring. It could be the perfect end to the trilogy.  


She will not accept a life she does not deserve. Six years after the events of X, Maxine has been struggling in the world of porn and performing in a strip club, awaiting her big break in big-time movies. Finally, her past trauma aids her in landing a role in a new horror film as the leading lady. I can’t stress this enough: Maxine is F*CKED UP! Although, who in Hollywood isn’t? Am I right?

However, Maxine has trouble acclimatizing to her “legitimate” surroundings. The notorious Night Stalker killer is on the loose, and they seem to be targeting her friends! Or it’s that creepy PI (Kevin Bacon) following her who seems to know more than he should. Orrrrrrr it’s the religious fanatics protesting the puritan-themed horror movie she’s the new lead for. ORRRRRRR what about someone from her past?

I mean, there’s a bunch of people who could want Maxine dead, but I for sure wouldn’t be messing with her.

The Good

Annnnnnd…. ACTION!

There’s absolutely no doubting the acting talent amassed in this cast. Mia Goth stuns as Maxine, which is unsurprising after her portrayals in the previous two films. Seriously, her opening monologue is scary good. In addition to our titular character, Kevin Bacon, Giancarlo Esposito, Lily Collins, and Elizabeth Debicki round out an all-star cast, and there isn’t a bad performance among them.

Maxine is a captivating character. It’s like watching a car crash in motion: horrendous but intriguing. She’s not a particularly good person, but she’s not evil. She’s a survivor, doing anything it takes to keep breathing. 

And anything it takes to get what she believes she deserves. She’s a freaking star, and it’s about time the world sees that. She’s extremely well written.

There aren’t a ton of overtly grotesque or frightening moments. However, the tension does build in places that culminate in some shocking moments. One involving a car crusher stands out in my mind. In fact, as much as I try, it won’t go away! The movie lulls you into a false sense of security, and then BAM hits you with something that leaves your mouth agape for five minutes.

I can’t move on until I mention the banger soundtrack. MaXXXine is set in 1985, and the hits of the day can be heard throughout. “Gimme All Your Lovin’” by ZZ Top, “Bette Davis Eyes” by Kim Carnes, and “Welcome to the Pleasuredome” by Frankie Goes to Hollywood all stand out, causing my foot to tap on the cinema floor. Absolute bops!

The Not So Good

Why the heck is there someone dressed as Yoshi rolling down that hill?

The good by far outweighs the bad, but there are a couple of things that prevent it from being perfect.

As a horror, it’s not very scary. That should be unsurprising because the previous two entries weren’t that frightening either. MaXXXine sticks to what it’s good at: a feeling of unease permeating throughout its 100-minute runtime. That feeling sticks with you and keeps you sitting intently on the edge of your seat. However, it could have done with one or two more classic horror stabby stabs, mysterious figures stalking the cast in the background, or even one measly jumpscare to add to the atmosphere. 

The practical gore effects were gross. Sparingly as they were used, the blood and gore were a highly saturated red hue. I’m not sure if it was meant to look like this to match the 80s aesthetic, but the effects were very B-movie. They wouldn’t be out of place in something like A Nightmare on Elm Street, but we’re now 40 years later! It looked a bit cheap by today’s standards.

Why It’s A Fitting End

How I look when I’m asked to work at the weekend

“I will not accept a life I do not deserve”

Maxine says this affirmation in X, and she says it here in MaXXXine. That’s the crux of it. What would you do to ensure you get where you think you should be in life? What lengths will you go to before settling for a life you don’t want? Maxine will go pretty damn far, killing people who try to stop her. 

X drew comparisons with Maxine and Pearl, the old lady on the farm who did settle for a life she didn’t want. When she sees Maxine, a girl who reminded her of herself when she was young, she goes crazy with jealousy and tries to murder everyone.

Pearl shows us the backstory of the psychotic old lady, showing that she, like Maxine, wanted to be a famous actress and strived for a life outside of her hometown despite condemnation from her mother. She auditioned for a role, but at the first sign of adversity, she cracked under the pressure and gets with the stabby-stab.

MaXXXine shows the perseverance of Maxine Minx, not only recovering from the horrors of X but beginning to thrive in Hollywood. Despite years of the grind (figuratively and literally), she’s finally getting what she thinks she deserves. Credit to her; she gets things done. Boy, does she.

I love this trilogy. 


Nailed it!

MaXXXine is a fantastically acted culmination of a trilogy that has come out of nowhere. These three films have been released in THREE CONSECUTIVE YEARS! It’s a miracle these are serviceable films, never mind the damn near masterpieces they are. 

Mia Goth is a tour-de-force, enthralling the audience with her performance. Yes, allegedly, she’s a terrible person off-screen, but that shouldn’t detract from this body of work. MaXXXine, along with the rest of the trilogy, deserves your undivided attention. It’s entertaining, grotesque, sometimes funny and a feast for the eyes.

And it’s the end of a film series that didn’t flub the ending so hard it spoiled the rest of the franchise for everyone! The message is clear from the beginning of X to the end of MaXXXine: battle for the things you want in life, and don’t let anybody get in your way. It’s an almost perfect horror trilogy. 


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About the Author

  • Iain McParland

    A northerner from England, Iain is passionate about all things film, TV, and video games (he has an obsession with popping them trophies in PlayStation games). When not consuming pop culture, Iain can be found drawing on MS Paint, learning Mandarin, watching football (soccer), or at pub quizzes. Mostly the pub thing, although he actually has not drunk a drop of alcohol since a messy Christmas Eve over a decade ago...

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