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Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness Trailer Leaks Online (Spoilers)

hello world!
Drew Lewis
| December 15, 2021
hello world!

Because we now have phones with 4K cameras and Twitter exists nothing is sacred anymore. And so we now have the leaked Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness trailer that apparently plays as a second after-credits bonus with Spider-Man No Way Home. Based on the fact that all the leaked “butt cam” footage has Japanese subtitles I’m assuming the Spider-Man film is already out for everyone over there.

Spoilers from here on out!

My initial thoughts are based on some really shitty camera and audio…

This trailer is going to be a nice tease and we get some little hints that Wanda and Strange will team up, but they may not be working towards the same goal. Johnathan Major’s Kang the Conqueror shows up with a little surprise for Strange… an evil Doctor Strange who’s clearly a variant that did some naughty shit in the multiverse. While I haven’t seen Spider-Man No Way Home yet so I don’t know how that sets up this film. I’m pretty excited for a Sam Raimi Marvel film that could be dark and maybe a little scary? Although, It still feels like a generic Marvel film based on the pixelated trailer available and I’m not getting the Evil Dead vibes I was hoping for. Instead, this feels more OG Spider-Man Raim which is fine too. Hell, I’d settle for Darkman vibes.

Looks like we get Gargantos throwing a bus at Doctor Strange and maybe America Chavez? Again hard to tell with buttcam footage. You know what…I’m going to give you a chance to stop here and wait till Marvel drops the HD version. It will be a better experience and it will probably drop by the time you find this article so why not.

No? Cool here it is. Multiverse of Madness hit theatres on May 6th 2022.

The trailer in the Tweet will probably will get taken down FYI.

Thought this tweet was pretty funny.

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