Alex recommends some cozy romance, historical, and gothic movies and TV shows to get you through the winter, based on popular titles you’ve probably already seen. Hidden gems galore!
Read our recap and review of The Last of Us HBO Episode 5 - Endure and Survive. Ellie and Joel team up with Henry and Sam to escape the confines of Kansas City. Aww, new friends!
We’re still a bit shaken up to be honest. The most action-packed episode yet and at the same time the most emotionally devastating. The Last of Us certainly ramped up the tension this week. Join us as we talk about Super Sam and big brother Henry, what we think of the big, badass bloater, and of course, we’re gonna talk about the “I’m Sorry” scene. I’m not crying, you are!
It’s back to Joel and Ellie this week and with a sharper focus on the two reluctant travel companions, we uncover a new threat in Kansas City. Not so much with the infected in this episode but one thing was made clear, humans are just as dangerous! This week, the Jeffrey Pierce fan club talks about the new original characters, some juicy easter eggs, developing story theories, and the inclusion of some iconic scenes from the game.